Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Irvin Mayfield's Trumpet

A month or so after his appearance at Orchestra Hall with his New Orleans Jazz Orchestra, Irvin Mayfield is returning to Minneapolis, this time with his quintet, to play the Dakota. It's not quite clear yet who the other four musicians will be, but if they're drawn from NOJO, I'm guessing the rhythm section will be Victor Atkins (piano), David Pulphus (bass), and Adonis Rose (drums), though some people think Jason Marsalis will be the drummer. Then what, saxophone? Trombone? Or clarinet?

I've been hearing a lot on the radio about a $3.5-million violin (a 1741 Guarneri) recently purchased by Russian businessman Maxim Viktorov and played in a private concert by Pinchas Zukerman. Mayfield may play the world's most valuable trumpet. Hand-built by David Monette, commissioned in memory of all those who perished in Hurricane Katrina (including Mayfield's father, whose body was found on Elysian Fields Street), the Elysian Trumpet is a one-of-a-kind work of art insured for $1 million.

YouTube Trick: Add "&fmt=6" (minus the quotes) to the end of any YouTube URL and get the hi-def version of that video. (Thanks, Don Berryman!)

An article from Bloomberg.com about the Guarneri.

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